PolyChem B400
PolyChem B400
Uniquely designed to handle a wide range of applications. The B400 can pull up to 450 lbs. of tension.
The B400 operates with both polyester and polypropylene plastic strapping, 3/8” – 5/8” wide, .019” – .030” thick.
- Light Weight
- Ergonomic Design
- Easy Operation
- Lithium Polymer Quick Charge Battery
B400 Specifications
- Length: 11.4″
- Width: 5.5″
- Total Height: 6.5″
- Weight: 7.9 lbs.
- Battery: 14.8V-2 A/H LI-PO
- Max. Tension Force: 450 lbs.
- Tensioning Speed: 5.9 in/sec
- Sealing: Friction-weld
- Joint Strength: 80% of Breaking
- Strap Size: 3/8″, 7/16″, 1/2″, 5/8″ polypropylene or polyester
- Thickness: .019″ – .030″
- Battery and Charger included